

This function returns a dictionary of all nearby monsters.




None or a dictionary of monsters.

  • The object can be empty.

  • The key in the object is the monster's ID.

	46296: {
		'name': 'Mangyang',
		'servername': 'MOB_CH_MANGNYANG',
		'model': 1933,
		'type': 0,
		'region': 24744,
		'x': 6400.048828125,
		'y': 813.6922607421875,
		'hp': 54,
		'max_hp': 54,
		'attacking': 0
	51491: {
		'name': 'Mangyang',
		'servername': 'MOB_CH_MANGNYANG',
		'model': 1933,
		'type': 0,
		'region': 24744,
		'x': 6450.6328125,
		'y': 873.4962158203125,
		'hp': 54,
		'max_hp': 54,
		'attacking': 0
	8075: {
		'name': 'Mangyang',
		'servername': 'MOB_CH_MANGNYANG',
		'model': 1933,
		'type': 0,
		'region': 24744,
		'x': 6429.68359375,
		'y': 815.7973022460938,
		'hp': 54,
		'max_hp': 54,
		'attacking': 0
	24534: {
		'name': 'Mangyang',
		'servername': 'MOB_CH_MANGNYANG',
		'model': 1933,
		'type': 0,
		'region': 24744,
		'x': 6410.0791015625,
		'y': 830.5478515625,
		'hp': 54,
		'max_hp': 54,
		'attacking': 0
	33437: {
		'name': 'Mangyang',
		'servername': 'MOB_CH_MANGNYANG',
		'model': 1933,
		'type': 0,
		'region': 24744,
		'x': 6433.02294921875,
		'y': 802.4546508789062,
		'hp': 54,
		'max_hp': 54,
		'attacking': 0
	52222: {
		'name': 'Mangyang',
		'servername': 'MOB_CH_MANGNYANG',
		'model': 1933,
		'type': 0,
		'region': 24744,
		'x': 6459.87890625,
		'y': 820.3279418945312,
		'hp': 54,
		'max_hp': 54,
		'attacking': 0
	1632: {
		'name': 'Mangyang',
		'servername': 'MOB_CH_MANGNYANG',
		'model': 1933,
		'type': 0,
		'region': 24744,
		'x': 6373.32666015625,
		'y': 851.5452880859375,
		'hp': 54,
		'max_hp': 54,
		'attacking': 0
	17907: {
		'name': 'Mangyang',
		'servername': 'MOB_CH_MANGNYANG',
		'model': 1933,
		'type': 0,
		'region': 24744,
		'x': 6413.42822265625,
		'y': 856.0980834960938,
		'hp': 54,
		'max_hp': 54,
		'attacking': 0

Last updated